Department of light industry engineering and design

Mirzəyev Tofiq Hacı

Mirzayev Tofig Haji

Head of the Department of light industrial engineering and design

(+994 22) 267 02 97

History of the creation of the department

In 1970, a branch of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute named after Ch. Ildyrym (now the Azerbaijan Technical University) was established in Ganja. The branch trained engineers for light industry in other specialties. In 1976, the first students were admitted to the branch for full-time, correspondence and evening studies in Ganja. The teaching staff who taught at that time consisted mainly of the main institute (Baku) from the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute named after Ch. Yildirim. The faculty and department of light industry specialties have started functioning in the branch.

In 1981, on the initiative of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, the Azerbaijan Institute of Technology was opened in the city of Ganja on the basis of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute named after Ch. Yildirim. The Institute received students in the fields of light and textile industry in the specialties “primary processing of cotton”, “spinning technology”, “textile technology”, “sewing technology”, “sewing products design”, “knitwear technology”, “wool and leather products design”, “machinery and equipment for the production of light industry”, therefore, in the following years several specialized departments began to function:

  1. a) technology and design of sewing products;
  2. b) weaving technology;
  3. c) curvature technology and equipment;
  4. d) technology and equipment of footwear production.

In subsequent years, these departments were repeatedly renamed, some of them were closed due to low academic load or transferred to other departments. In 2013, the department “Technology and Design of reproducible goods” continued to function as two independent departments (“Technology of reproducible goods” and “Design”).

Since September 14, 2017, the Department of Light Industry Engineering has been established by the decision of the Academic Council of the Azerbaijan Technological University and the corresponding order of the Rector. Since November 02, 2017, the department has been headed by Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Associate Professor Tofik Haji oglu Mirzoev. Since November 21, 2018, by the decision of the Academic Council of the Azerbaijan Technological University and the corresponding order of the Rector, the departments of “Light Industry Engineering” and “Design” were merged and the Department of “Light Industry Engineering and Design” was created. According to the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the department was headed by Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Associate Professor Tofik Haji oglu Mirzoev.

Currently, the Department has partnerships with the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the corresponding departments of many universities of Azerbaijan, including universities in Turkey, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Georgia. In addition, the department currently has connections in scientific and other work with many industrial enterprises of the republic. These are the following:

  1. A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Azerbaijan Technological University and CTS – Agro LLC of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  2. Azerbaijan Technological University and Baku Sewing House Open Joint Stock Company signed a memorandum of cooperation.
  3. An agreement on mutual cooperation has been signed between Azerbaijan Technological University and JSC "Ganjatextil".
  4. A cooperation agreement has been signed between the Azerbaijan Technological University and the clothing factory of Lala-Textile LLC in the Yevlakh district.
  5. A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Azerbaijan Technological University and the Spinning Mill of the Mingachevir Textile Park.
  6. A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Azerbaijan Technological University and the Management Board of "ICT – Industrial Commerce" LLC of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  7. Azerbaijan signs an agreement on mutual cooperation between the Azerbaijan Technological University and the “Regional cultural Center" located in the city of Ganja.
  8. Azerbaijan has signed a memorandum of cooperation between the Azerbaijan Technological University and the Turkish company Galaxy, located in the city of Ganja..

The establishment of links between production and the Department of “ MECHANICAL Engineering AND DESIGN OF LIGHT INDUSTRY ” will gradually increase. Within the framework of the scientific, educational and industrial triangle, a promising expansion of cooperation with industrial spheres is expected.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering AND DESIGN of Light Industry has 3 (three) educational and production laboratories and 2 (two) workshops for teaching students and performing research:

1 educational and production laboratory ”technology of shipping products";

  1. Educational and production laboratory "technology of sewing products";
  2. Educational and production laboratory "primary cotton processing";
  3. Workshop ”hand carpet weaving";
  4. Design Workshop;
  5. In the near future, it is planned to create a ”research laboratory for determining the defining properties of the quality level of materials and products in industrial design" at the department. For this purpose, a complete renovation of room 31301 is being carried out in the VI building.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering AND DESIGN of Light Industry has 5 (five) specialized classrooms in disciplines for students of design specialties.

Disciplines taught at the department 

Bachelor`s degree
Painting; painting; ergonomics; fundamentals of design; History of costume; decoration of custom-made goods; history of costume; fashion and style; technological bases of production; industrial design; materials science; layout design in industrial design; fundamentals of applied anthropology; fundamentals of design; principles of artistic design development; design of wool and leather products; types and design solutions of Azerbaijani handmade cotton fabrics; enterprise design; production systems; Raw material inventory management; perspective; graphic design; computer design; Advertising and design; artistic fusion of fabrics. Decorative and applied art; costume composition; organization design; Fine art; introduction to architecture; history of urban planning in Azerbaijan.

Master`s degree 

Principles of design creativity; design theory; artistic and stylistic trends in world art; artistic and aesthetic features of modernity; quality indicators of sewing products; designing clothes with elements of bas; materials for clothing; fundamentals of research work; method and means of research; consumer requirements for the quality of non-food products; textiles on the surface decoration and design; technological bases of production of consumer goods; sewing products. designed by an engineer. principles.

The subject programs of these disciplines, fixed in the educational programs, have been approved and published by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. And the programs of elective subjects were approved and published by the Academic Council of the Azerbaijan Technological University.

An annual work plan has been drawn up and approved for the subjects taught at the department and for conducting training in these subjects in accordance with the requirements of the credit system, subject syllabuses on subjects, individual work plans of teachers on subjects, the schedule of open lessons of teachers, the schedule of consulting hours of teachers and the schedule of scientific seminars have been approved.

The department has electronic versions of the texts of lectures of the teaching staff during the academic year, which are transferred to the university library and are regularly monitored.

Research work

Topic of the problem: ”ethnological and design compositional analysis of Karabakh national costumes and samples of decorative and applied art, ways of using these samples in the design of modern clothing."

Research topic in 2021: “analysis of the features of ethno-design composition in Karabakh national costumes and samples of decorative and applied art”;

Research topic in 2022: “development of rational technologies for processing clothing details from modern upper knitwear and fabric using elements of the Karabakh national costume and samples of decorative and applied art”;

Research topic in 2023: “designing modern collections of clothes and shoes based on Karabakh national costumes, as well as using elements of decorative and applied art.”

Head: D.F.T., Assoc. Mirzoev Tofik Haji oglu;

The main responsible executors: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Hajiyev Jahangir Ahmed oglu: S/P. Bagirova Valida Shakhmamed kyzy; Hijran Adalat kyzy Ramazanova;

Performers: D.F.T., assoc. T.G.Karimov; D.F.T., assoc. Sh.R. Aliyev; S/P L.I.Mammadova; S/P M.H.Gumbatova; S/P G.N.Aliyev; S/P F.A.Farji; S/P G.F. Abbasova; S/P H.G.Karimov; S/P R.X.Aslanova; assistant R.T.Mirzoev; assistant A.H.Huseynov; laboratory assistant K.M.Mammadova.

Head of the department ASSOC. T.H.For the first time, under the guidance of Mirzoev, the following innovative results were obtained on the topic ”analysis of the features of ethno-design composition in Karabakh national costumes and samples of decorative and applied art":

* As a result of the research conducted at our department, it was found that the samples of the national dress of Karabakh of the XVII– XIX centuries are distinguished by a special processing technology corresponding to the clothes of other divisions of Azerbaijan, but with a different ornament:

  1. a) studies have found that the national men's clothing of Karabakh (Fuzuli, Aghdam, Lachin, Kelbajar and susha) for two hundred years of the XVIII – early XX centuries, it differed from the national clothes of Ganja by the presence of a special processing technology, similar in shape and design, but with a different ornament;
  2. b) on the other hand, Karabakh women's national costumes (Zangilan, Gubadli, Lachin, Kelbajar and Shusha) for two hundred years, starting from the XVIII – early XX century, differ from Nakhichevan national costumes by the presence of a special processing technology, similar in shape and design, but with a different ornament;
  • For the first time, a scheme for the decoration of clothing products has been drawn up and a design methodology has been developed for the design of products. In addition, the influence of various factors on the decoration of product samples was studied.
  • In the third year of the research work, it is planned to design modern collections of clothes and shoes based on Karabakh national costumes, as well as using elements of decorative and applied art. Thus, from a complete analysis of the ethno-design compositional features of Karabakh national costumes and samples of decorative and applied art, as well as from other historical data, it became clear that the territory of Karabakh was the place of settlement of Turks. Thus, the results of the research work have shown that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev Karabakh is Azerbaijan! the thesis becomes proven.



Educational and methodological support


2019 years

Type of scientific and methodological activity

In the respublic





Scientific articles






Study guide



Abstracts (scientific and practical conference)



Methodical work



Subject programs



Inventions, patents






Conducted scientific seminars



Defended dissertation



in 2020

Scientific articles






Study guide



Abstracts (scientific and practical conference)



Methodical work



Subject programs



Inventions, patents






Conducted scientific seminars



Defended dissertation



2021 years




Scientific articles


3+ (1 infakt




Study guide



Abstracts (scientific and practical conference)



Methodical work



Subject programs



Inventions, patents






Conducted scientific seminars



Defended dissertation



2022 years

Scientific articles






Study guide



Abstracts of reports (scientific and practical conference)



Methodical work



Subject programs



Inventions, patents






Conducted scientific seminars



Defended dissertation



Acadmic staff

MirzəyevTofiq Hacı oğlu

Kafedra müdiri, dosent

Hacıyev Cahangir Əhməd oğlu


Kərimov Tariverdi Qurban


Babayev Firdovsi Əsgər


Əliyev Şakir Rüstəm oğlu


Kərimov Hüsnü Qədir oğlu

Baş müəllim

Maya Hüseynqulu qızı Hümbətova

Baş müəllim

Aslanova Raisa Xələf

Baş müəllim

Əliyeva Gülnarə Nürəddin

Baş müəllim

Tağıyeva Tamam Əhməd qızı

Baş müəllim

Fərəci Fizuli Ələkbər

Baş müəllim

Əliyeva Fərqanə İsfəndiyar

Baş müəllim

Bağırova Validə Şahmməd qızı

Baş müəllim

Məmmədov Əli Zeynal oğlu

Baş müəllim

Məmmədova Sevil Cəmil qızı

Baş müəllim

Ramazanova Hicran Ədalət qızı

Baş müəllim

Mehdizadə Rahim Fikrət oğlu

Baş müəllim

Hüseynov Aqşin Hafiz oğlu


Paşa Arzu Tahir qızı


Əliyeva Nərgiz Xalis


Mirzəyev Razil Tofiq oğlu


İsgəndərova Jalə Şahin qızı


Əsgərov İsgəndər Ceyhun oğlu


Qarayev Mobil Ramiz oğlu
