The project of “Establishment of the Rectors Conference in Azerbaijan” (ECAR)- 2021 -2024
The main goal of the project funded by EU and coordinated by Baku Business University is to achieve establishment and development of fruitful cooperation between universities and other partners with the establishment of the Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan. This project covering the years 2021-2024 is an Erasmus+ KA2- capacity building project funded by the European Union. Being a national project, ECAR will support the provision of inter-university relations in order to increase the role of higher education institutions in the internationalization of education and the digital and innovative economy.
The meanwhile, the conference will create the basis for the representation of Azerbaijani universities in the international arena, and will support the internationalization of educational programs of local universities and the improvement of the competitiveness of universities.
Project foreign partners include EFMD organization from Belgium, KTH Royal Institute of Technology from Sweden, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) from Lithuania, The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP), The Conference of University Presidents (CPU) France, CIEP- France Education international, The European University Association (EUA), whereas local partners embraces the vast number of HEIs in Azerbaijan, such as Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku Engineering University, Baku Higher Oil School, Azerbaijan Technological University, Nakhchivan University, Lankaran State University, Azerbaijan University, Khazar University, Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art, Baku Eurasian University, Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University, Azerbaijan University of Languages, Odlar Yurdu University, Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Ganja State University, Azerbaijan State Agricultural University.
At the end of the project, it is planned to establish a conference of Rectors in Azerbaijan. Thus, the project intends to endorse strong networking and cooperation among national universities and decision-makers through the establishment of the Rectors Conference. The approach was chosen for implementation, however, includes a collaborative framework with respective stakeholders, mainly focusing on educational needs. Accordingly, the target groups in this project are higher education institutions (HEIs managers, students) and decision-makers (government, ministries, Academy of Science). This project focuses exactly on bridging all the parties together by creating internal network system.
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